Archive for March, 2010

Heard today

“you haven’t been posting much on your blog.”

Yes I know. I know busy is not an excuse. Lazy is the reason (not!). Ok, I’m heading Melbourne this Tuesday. I will try one more post before I leave… and I hope it won’t be the “out of office” announcement. lol!!:D Ok folks, I hope you guys had an awesome weekend… getting baked in SUNNY Singapore.

revving up the engines

After a mild disruption last week, the photo editing machine is back in order. Spent the entire day meeting clients and did up some albums. It’s always nice to end the day doing something more personal. Looking back at those images I took the past week is like a walk down memory lane. This boy is just too cute.

Good Sunday everyone!:D

I hope you guys had a good weekend!:D


All good things have to come to an end. At least it’s the end for this episode. The entire family had an extremely enjoyable 2 weeks together. As always, whenever he settles down, it’s time for him to leave. At the airport, he refused to go through immigration, so his dad had to carry him in. While the immigration officers were attending to the parents at the counter, he ran back towards the window to say goodbye again before running back. The immigration officers just smiled. For us, it’s all mixed feelings. Really hope to see him back here soon.

the search is over

…for a 2nd photographer. Here’s a profile picture of him:D

The boy at two and the half

He’ll be heading back to Sydney on Saturday. Time flies when you’re having fun. But it has been an awesome 8 days so far.

Julius at my place wearing my Tshirt.

whew wheet!!

Love how this turned out!:D


…and frozen in time. i’m like in a super singland mood today. and i’m listening to this for inspiration….