To Chris and Pris: Thank you for having me at your wedding. Love it to bits!:D
[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]
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To Chris and Pris: Thank you for having me at your wedding. Love it to bits!:D
[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]
Taking a break from weddings. Finally, at the other end of the camera… woohoo!:D Good for spotting mistakes… and some awful expressions:P
[tags]Photography, Wakeboarding[/tags]
Dear Friends,
I have applied leave from 19th (Wed) to 21st (Fri) March 2008. My leave has already been approved by my boss (read: me). I may have limited access to my emails and may not be able to respond to your calls or sms-es. I will reply to them as soon as I am back in town. Thank you for your patience and have a Happy Long Weekend (mine just happen to start a little earlier…)!
[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]
Sorry if I’m a little late in getting back to you guys over the weekend. Was down with some nasty food poisoning after a shoot yesterday. I shan’t go into details on the mess I created in my toilet. I thought I’d die at that point in time. Not a beautiful death, definitely. Thank god I recovered quickly enough. Take another day of rest today and I’ll reply your queries by tomorrow.
Thank you for your patience:D