Archive for March, 2008

When we dance…





To Chris and Pris: Thank you for having me at your wedding. Love it to bits!:D 


[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]


Zn and Amandi


“Oh Zn…”… in my mind I was like… “…what?”. So I found out during the wedding that Sze Ying is the name (Zn for short). That was my first impression of the couple. Amandi did their own mini pre-wedding themselves and I have to say, I love the photos he took when I saw them at the wedding. The wedding is just so them, from the choice of shoes, deco, down to the customs. Everything that’s normal has been thrown out, that’s the wedding and a very enjoyable and refreshing one:D


click for slideshow


[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]


Me in action


Taking a break from weddings. Finally, at the other end of the camera… woohoo!:D Good for spotting mistakes… and some awful expressions:P



[tags]Photography, Wakeboarding[/tags]


Out of Office/Bed/Sofa


Dear Friends,


I have applied leave from 19th (Wed) to 21st (Fri) March 2008. My leave has already been approved by my boss (read: me). I may have limited access to my emails and may not be able to respond to your calls or sms-es. I will reply to them as soon as I am back in town. Thank you for your patience and have a Happy Long Weekend (mine just happen to start a little earlier…)!



An Awareness Test




Click for test:D


Ok, I didn’t get the number correct… either way, I’m screwed:P









[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]




Sorry if I’m a little late in getting back to you guys over the weekend. Was down with some nasty food poisoning after a shoot yesterday. I shan’t go into details on the mess I created in my toilet. I thought I’d die at that point in time. Not a beautiful death, definitely. Thank god I recovered quickly enough. Take another day of rest today and I’ll reply your queries by tomorrow.


Thank you for your patience:D



Clarissa and Michael


I always remember Michael and Clarissa, because they were the only couple who ordered beer during our first meeting:) I was tempted to, but thought, neh… But I agreed to meet up before the wedding for a drink though. Eventually, we met up at Ice Cold Beer a few days before the wedding for a drink + discussion. On the day itself, Mike was a little nervous and I lost count on the number of beers he had before the solemnization to calm his nerves. Good thing he could hold his liquor really well:) I don’t know if it’ll be different without all that alcohol, but I know the couple and their guests were really fun people… I’m sure the after lunch party was even more crazy (the last sms he sent me smells of alcohol… so I guess, it must’ve been good:P).




[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]