Finally, our first public display of any kind… not counting those done in art classes in school. The display is at tunnel linking city link to the esplanade. Photos will be up for roughly 2 months, with a 1 week break in between i think. Anyway, here are some snaps on the “making of…timeless”… hmmm…how strange.
The guys putting up their works… total of 6, including all 4 photographers whose works will be displayed, Ngiap Heng (who allowed us to use this space) and his assistant.
Eadwine at work. ok, he was late… resulting in lunch subsidy for us:)
Ron, before the art of weddings… he has already mastered the art of changing frames:P
Lining up the frames so that we can swap the sequence later to ensure that the flow works for passerbys coming from either side of the tunnel.
an overview of the whole display area.
eh, tht's me… okie, read “freeman”… not “freelunch” photographer…:)
putting up the frames…
the man who made it all possible:) Thanks Heng!:)
everything has to be measured… to… hang.
Eadwine with his goofy look! okie, everyone else has 6 photos… he has 6.25. tht's the REAL reason why he has to subsidize lunch… 😛
taking photos of our labour of “love”:)
from left: Chi Kuang, Ron and me:) I know, i look small… no, it's because the frames are big… so are the rest of the guys:)