You know how a typical Singapore wedding is like, the groom goes through that crap (I said crap because I won’t like it if I were in his shoes) when they pick up the bride. The bridesmaids will serve the groom and his groomsmen some really terrible tasting food in the name of of love (you know, that four letter word, depending which side of the gate you are standing… it may sound a little different).
Anyway, for the last 3 weddings, the guys got steamrolled by the girls. Nothing, they didn’t even put up a fight. It’s so amazing. The guys are just tooooooooooo nice. And yes, no complaints, they seem to enjoy it. Oh oh… and the best part is, the bride always says she doesn’t have a part in the planning. That’s the last lie before you exchange vows:P
On the last wedding, I was a little hungry, so I took a decent bite on the biscuit laced with wasabi. And on my… these things taste REALLY good!! I’m going to buy biscuits and wasabi tomorrow and have them for breakfast. I think the guys are just playing along with the ladies… it’s actually nice.
Well, I know majority of the readers here are ladies and they probably won’t be happy knowing that wasabi give the boys nothing but pleasure:) Try Habanero (from the makers of Tabasco) sauce instead. This will shut the boys up for a while:D Alrite, make them eat it and do a tongue twister (Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers…).
I think I’m enjoying the gatecrashing process more and more. It’s like food tasting. Whatever food means.