Archive for July, 2009

lines and curves

Man made. Everything is planned. Nothing is random, unlike the clouds.


I wish I had chosen a better poster:P Oh oh… and thank god there’s no STOMPERS around to catch me in my sloppy attire:D

Same difference


Kenny and Angeline

A shoot that I did recently. It’s always nice to know how to make your partner laugh during a shoot. It’s even better if you can make the photographer laugh too. Well, thanks to Kenny and Angeline. I had a very good time shooting your Pre-Wedding. Kenny’s hokkien translation of the vows was just… too good… too good!!:D

a simple portrait

On a random note, I’m loving Boa’s english album… infectious. Ok folks, nights!:)

Back from Hongkong

Just landed in Singapore a few hours ago. It’s like back to earth again. Hongkong, like most will say, is all about eating and shopping. I’m not the shopping type, so I took a few extra kilograms back. I took a pretty long trip this time round just to relax. Ok, I’ll stop here for the night. Need some good rest before the shoot tomorrow. Here’s a picture of Hongkong from The Peak, probably the most shot scene in Hongkong.

sunshine after the typhoon

My friends said I brought the typhoon to Hongkong. Some said I must be really lucky, came here to witness a no.9 (level) typhoon. And I must agree that I am really lucky to have the front row seats to experience mother nature’s fury. Here’s the view right beside my bed. I call it the 300 inch LCD TV with dolby surround sound system (i can hear the whistling wind and pounding raindrops). The cityscape in Hongkong is pretty amazing. Because of the low cloud base, the city lights gets reflected off the clouds making the city even brighter even after the sun goes down. At about 8pm everyday, I’ll get to watch the fireworks display off Disneyland, which is somewhere near the mouth of the harbour in the picture.

I’m enjoying myself so far. Met some really nice people and had some really good food here. I checked out Causeway Bay on Sunday and it was packed with people. The part that surprises me most is the number of philipinos and indonesians ladies there. It’s like Lucky Plaza in Singapore, just on a larger scale. Apparently, there’s a huge community of foreign maids in Hongkong. That’s something that I didn’t know. Their off days are on Sundays, so they often hang out at Central or Causeway Bay. I can’t help but wonder, how would it be like if they film Young and Dangerous at Causeway Bay on a Sunday. Sir, you want buy parang?

the aftermath


I was sleeping right beside a huge window (where these photos are taken). The whistling sounds from the high winds coaxed me to sleep late last night. At times, the raindrops were pounding on the windows so badly that I thought it might just break. My friend said, “just scream if anything happens”.

I tried taking some pictures late last night but everything was a blur. I’m sure I won’t want to be out there. There’s not much I can see. Anyway, here’s a picture taken in the morning. Not much trace of any damage as far as I can see here. I’ll walk to ground later during lunch. Just heard the level is back to no.1, which is safe now.

Some heavy clouds still looming over the island but it soon cleared.