Archive for 2007

To: World






Message: Happy New Year








Catching my breath…


It’s the time of the year again. I know I’ve been working very hard. Not always, but when I do, I work like no tomorrow. I’m going to give myself a break from 8pm onwards. No more editing, no more meddling with photos, no replies to emails, no client calls. Break is break… And I’m going to, hmmm… damn! now I forgot what I used to do besides working. Ok, I shall erm… have my last dinner for the year.


Did a fair bit of editing today. I’ll leave the admin stuff tomorrow, so if you have emailed me and not received a reply, tomorrow will be a good day to check your mailbox. So much to do, so little time. I know god is fair, everyone has 24hours. How about the ability to do things twice the speed? Not asking for too much for the new year eh? 😀


Let’s all go enjoy the last moments of 2007, and spend some time to reflect and remember…


A moment between themselves


As the crowd disperse, leaving just a handful of close friends and the pianist around. A friend stepped up and paired up with the pianist, singing “Tonight I celebrate my love”. And this was the moment, a moment between themselves. I wished I knew what the feeling was like. Must’ve been great.



[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]


A little leafy paradise



[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]


Here comes the bride


…walking down the longest aisle I’ve seen.





[tags]Photography, Wedding, Bali, Conrad[/tags] 


How long?





Ok, I’m doing this while downloading the rest of the images… and I’m going to catch Man U vs West Ham now. Please don’t think I’m lazy and leaving you guys waiting for images… I’m afterall… a lazy bugger:P Nah… more to come tomorrow after my morning workout!:) Giving my mind a break.


[tags]Photography, Wedding[/tags]


Back from Bali


*yawns*… I’m back from Bali. Bali is bali bali wet. Good thing weather changed for the better on the day of the wedding, bright and sunny:) One of those days I wished I could wear T-shirt and berms to shoot. Anyway, all was well and everything went pretty smoothly. Rushed to Kuta before my flight to catch some lunch and did some shopping. Got some sale items from Quiksilver… 40% leh!! Dun pray pray, dun buy lugi!! (spoken like a true bargain hunter).


Had lunch in double quick time and left the cafe just as fast, only to find out later that I have forgotten to pay. It was unintentional, but everything happened so quickly that no one noticed:D Ok, before you think I had my 霸王餐, I went back to make payment like 30mins later.



Out of town notice


I’ll be out of town from 27th to 29th Dec 2007. Bali is nice, just wished I could stay longer.