
Raymond and Angeline

No weddings are the same. But some are more ‘not the same’ than others. I always believe that the wedding should reflect who you are. This is perhaps one of the most dramatic weddings I have ever shot.  Oh before you scroll down, I have to warn you that this might change your impression of gatecrashing forever.

The first signs that this is going to be a very different wedding.

And the boys came in a bus.

The kopi kias.

The Ru Huas.

The reception.

And they did their ‘victory rounds’ around the neighbourhood.

I was supposed to hold the ladies up while the boys secretly prepared to return the favour with gatecrash part 2. So that’s what we did.

Lester, the only bridesman greeting Raymond’s mum.

You can see abit more images in a slideshow here.

Bernard and Germaine

Some people ask me if I love to shoot overseas. They often said, it’s like a holiday isn’t it? Not really. Because ever since I left my desk job (although I still spend a fair bit of time on my desk), I regard a holiday as something 1 week and beyond. When I travel, I like to take my time to settle down, get into the pace of the place and feel the vibes. This is what I love most about traveling. I am fine with traveling to work on short trips, but to treat it like a holiday, I would need a much longer one. It’s been a while since I shot overseas, so come next year, I hope to be shooting somewhere foreign. I know I should.

The good thing about Nikoi island is, it’s not that far from Singapore. It’s like an extension of Sentosa really. My second time here and it’s still as awesome as ever. One of the things I love about beach weddings like this is nobody wears a suit and I am allowed to be in my berms. Smart casual? no, more like comfort casual.

The emerald green waters.

Light and Textures

Make a guess what he was writing? I laughed so hard on this one.

You can see abit more images in a slideshow here.

Edwin and Seok Yin

 Solemnization of Edwin and Seok Yin. From the first meet up to the wedding day, with a solemnization and Pre-Wedding in between, this couple never fail to make me laugh.

Paper flowers. Mega love.

Paper flowers + plastic bricks. Super love.


You can see abit more images in a slideshow here.

Bastian and Evelyn

A small and simple wedding that I did awhile back. Only revisited it when someone was asking for a wedding like that. Part 2 coming up.

You can view the slideshow here.

Kay Yong and Yuet Chia

Ah… it’s 2013. We survived:)

And for some reason, I kept thinking about 2007. This song just came to my mind and it has been repeating since this morning. I used to have this as my ringtone and everytime my phone rings during client meetings, they’ll give me that amused look. Wedding pictures and Teriyaki Boyz… it’s hardly a match. Music, no matter how bad, is still a matter of personal preference. Stay true to yourself.

Here are some images from Kay Yong and Yuet Chia’s wedding. In my little notebook on clients after first meeting, I noted “the guy just keeps smiling”. First impressions last:D Alright, scroll down for the slideshow. Those featured here are the ones I personally like alot.

Using ‘milk powder’ strength.

The bridesmaids led the groom to the wrong room where the bride’s nephews are waiting. See, that’s one more door to collect ang pows (bridesmaids-to-be, please take note).

The old school trade expo games. Now I know why I never win back then.

And here, he has to guess the bride’s gown which he had never seen before.

Kids on sugar.

Adults on sweet tea.

Seriously? lol. Love the expressions.

Between tall people.

See, it’s natural, kids knows where to put their hands when they kiss someone. Then when we grow up… we lost it. It’s ok, we can re-discover:)

You can view the slideshow here.

Darence and Ruth

Another rainy day here in sunny Singapore. Alot of wedding images, alot of happy faces, alot of happy people. I met quite a few people during weddings who told me, “I used to follow your blog, but you stopped posting”. I think they are right. So afew weeks ago, I set a repetitive alarm to remind me to post something every week. It’s been working well so far:)

oh my… I love this one.

You can view the slideshow here.

Wymen and Yuna

It seems like I’ve been seeing an a fair bit of simple weddings where the folks just want to enjoy the company of  close friends and relatives. And this is usually where the people really make the wedding. Great speeches and no rush to meet timings. I know these are the ones I’d love to attend as a guest and to have as the host.

You can view the slideshow here.

Weixiang and Ivy

A simple and intimate affair.

I like hands and legs. Once in awhile, I like to see them off the ground.

The wedding favours. I got one too for my supper. Cupcakes are great for supper.

up/down: I didn’t know they link up so well until now. That’s Weixiang and his best man waiting for the bride.

You can view the slideshow here.