Tag: symmetry


I like how this was totally unscripted. I chanced upon the groom and his groomsmen having a discussion towards the end of the wedding. Their positions were pretty…

Unscripted eye contact

Moments like that makes ordinary stands out.

A birdie. Ok, an eagle.

To be honest, I didn’t think through it when I took this. I just thought it was funny and anything with symmetry usually works well with me. It…

The busy months

Been really busy over the past few weeks and even more so in the weeks to come. Almost every thing demands attention and it’s really putting my prioritization…

The wait

Well, actually the wait is on my side. When it finally fell into place, I was making invisible fist pumps and chest thumps. The kind of images that…


V is for holding hands. That shall be my hand sign for future shoots.

Light and shadow

I’ve been eyeing that space for a long time but didn’t have an opportunity to shoot this until now. Worth the wait.

Rings please

Just before putting the ring on the bride’s finger, the symmetry force is strong here. Keep looking.

When all things fall in place.

Symmetry. One of the things that always catches my eye. This is not perfect, but it rarely gets better than this.

Limpeh want this!

I am pretty sure the groom will agree with the title. As for me, I love the symmetry of this.